Entropia Universe

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Publisher MindArk
Release 2003-01-30
Platform Windows

A 3D MMO Multi Virtual World Real Cash Economy Experience with RPG elements. Although Entropia Universe is a free-to-play game with some standard MMORPG components (fighting, exploring the world, raiding, etc.), what sets it apart from other games is the integration of a real-world currency exchange. The Project Entropia Dollar (PED), an in-game currency in Entropia Universe, can be bought for real money at a set rate. One US dollar can purchase 10 PED, and in some cases, PED can be changed back into cash. PED is used to buy in-game goods like gear, clothes, and real estate.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows XP or higher
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 285 / ATI Radeon 4870
Processor Intel I7 / AMD Phenom II
Memory 4 GB
Storage 10 GB
Platform Windows


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