Atlantica Online

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Publisher VALOFE
Release 2008-10-30
Platform Windows

A free-to-play 3D tactical massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In order to protect the globe from the effects of Oriharukon, a material developed by the prehistoric Atlanteans, the main objective of the game is to locate your ancestral house. The player's quest to find the lost civilization takes them around the world and through time. The player fights against people, creatures, and robots that have been tainted by the influence of the Oriharukon. The main setting of the game is an Earth with a fantastical concept that combines historical, cultural, allegorical, and mythological themes. With accessible areas on six of the seven continents as well as the fabled floating continent of Atlantis, from which the game gets its name, the game world is mostly based on real-world geography.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Graphics A Graphics card with 128MB RAM
Processor Pentium 4 1 GHz
Memory 1 GB
Storage 15 GB
Platform Windows


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