Seal Online

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Publisher YNK Interactive
Release 2007-11-19
Platform Windows

Seal Online is a free-to-play 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that was originally released in 2003 and has since undergone several updates and revisions. The game is set in a colorful and lighthearted world of fantasy and features anime-style graphics and animations. Players start the game by creating a character, choosing from four different classes: Knight, Mage, Jester, and Fighter. Each class has its own unique skills and abilities, allowing players to tailor their playstyle to their preferences. The game features a variety of quests and missions for players to complete, as well as a large open world to explore. Combat in Seal Online is real-time and action-based, requiring players to aim their attacks and dodge incoming attacks. Players can also team up with others to take on powerful bosses and dungeons, as well as engage in PvP battles in designated areas. One unique feature of Seal Online is the Pet System, which allows players to capture and train pets that can accompany them on their adventures. These pets can provide buffs and bonuses to the player, as well as assist in combat. Seal Online is a fun and colorful MMORPG that offers a variety of content for players to enjoy, from quests and dungeons to PvP battles and pet training.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Graphics GeForce 64MB 3D
Processor Pentium 600MHz
Memory 256 MB
Storage 2 GB
Platform Windows


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