Ace Online

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Genre Shooter
Publisher Suba Games
Release 2008-08-29
Platform Windows

In Ace Online you are the pilot of a star fighter. This massively multiplayer game invites you to fight on a strange planet increasing your skills by targeting your opponents manually making some impressive manoeuvres in the meantime. You have to select a star fighter among 4 different categories of fighters called Gears. Once you select your Gear (star fighter) then the air combat begins! The game was originally known as Space Cowboys in the United States and is now also known as AirRivals. The gameplay includes dogfights in cockpit view and as in other MMORPGs the game offers the option to customize lots of its features and fight with other players via PvP combat. Ace Online is a great to play fast action 3D sci-fi MMO where players get to control unique space fighter jets.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows 98 / ME / XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Graphics Any 32 MB DirectX compatible GPU
Processor Pentium 3 1 GHz or better
Memory 512 MB
Storage 2 GB
Platform Windows


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