Dream of Mirror Online

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Genre MMORPG Anime
Publisher SubaGames
Release 2005-09-03
Platform Windows

Dream of Mirror Online is a lovely social MMORPG with an anime style that draws inspiration from Chinese mythology! There are countless activities for gamers to do in-game. A large number of DOMO's features led to the development of a devoted following and one of the best MMORPG experiences ever. A free to play fantasy MMORPG with tons of social features. Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Softstar Entertainment. The game is set in a vibrant and colorful fantasy world inspired by ancient Chinese mythology. In DOMO, players can choose from different classes, such as warrior, mage, and healer, each with its unique skills and abilities. Players can also customize their characters' appearance and gear using a wide range of customization options. The game features a rich storyline with a variety of quests and missions to complete, ranging from simple fetch quests to epic battles against powerful bosses. Players can also team up with other players to complete quests and explore the game's world. DOMO's combat system is real-time, allowing players to actively dodge and use abilities to defeat their enemies. The game also features a pet system, where players can capture and train pets to assist them in battles. One of the standout features of DOMO is its unique art style, which blends traditional Chinese elements with anime-inspired graphics. The game's world is filled with unique environments and colorful characters, creating an immersive and engaging experience. Dream of Mirror Online is a fun and engaging MMORPG that offers a range of customization options and engaging gameplay mechanics. Its real-time combat system and pet system make it stand out from other games in the genre, while its unique art style and rich storyline make it a popular choice among fans of fantasy games.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows XP/Vista/2000/98
Graphics GeForce2 MX/Radeon 7500 or equivalent 64mb VGA Card
Processor 1000 Mhz Intel P3
Memory 512 MB
Storage 2 GB
Platform Windows


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