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Genre Shooter
Publisher Level Infinite
Release 2023-06-15
Platform Windows

Undawn, an immersive free-to-play open-world survival RPG developed by LightSpeed Studios and published by Level Infinite, unfolds four years after a global catastrophe. Plunged into the role of survivors, players must confront not only each other but also hordes of infected beings. The game offers a captivating blend of PvE and PvP experiences within its vast open-world map. Unleashing the power of Unreal Engine 4, Undawn delivers a seamlessly immersive gaming environment. Players are invited to explore diverse biomes, where they must grapple with various extreme weather conditions. Survival extends beyond mere combat prowess, as hunger, hydration, and mood become critical factors, influenced by the surrounding environment. Resourcefulness becomes key to survival, as players can trade essential supplies, forge alliances to rebuild the world's ruins, and engage in a plethora of other survival strategies. Yet, amidst the hardships, safeguarding one's possessions remains paramount. In this post-apocalyptic realm, Undawn beckons daring adventurers to forge their path, adapt to the ever-changing world, and ultimately carve out a place to call their own.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows 7
Graphics Nvidia GeForce GTX 660
Processor Intel® Core i5 4430
Memory 4 GB
Storage 20 GB
Platform Windows


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